Tecniche dimostrative di ricarica artificiale per il riequilibrio quantitativo della falda dell’alta pianura vicentina
Veneto Agricoltura 08/07/2013 Editoria
Incrementare il tasso di ricarica idrogeologica degli acquiferi, per riequilibrare le falde dell’Alta Pianura Vicentina, garantendone l’uso sostenibile da parte delle generazioni attuali e future: in questo contesto si collocano i siti dimostrativi realizzati nell’ambito del Progetto Life+ Aquor, descritti dalla pubblicazione, che contiene anche una panoramica sui processi di infiltrazione e sui sistemi di monitoraggio e di controllo.
Pubblicazione realizzata da Veneto Agricoltura e finanziata con il contributo dello strumento finanziario LIFE+ dell’Unione Europea (LIFE 2010 ENV/IT/380).
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Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) demonstrative techniques for the quantative restoration of the groundwater balance in the Vicenza Upper Plain (AA.VV.|2013|booklet on line|code E495)
The objective of the AQUOR Project is to “implement a participatory strategy for water conservation and artificial groundwater recharge to quantitatively restore the groundwater balance in the Vicenza Upper Plain”. The project is co-financed by the European Commission LIFE+ Programme. Initiated in September 2011 with a planned duration of three years, the project was conceived as a demonstration activity to foster a reversal of the current trend of overexploitation of groundwater resources and to increase the hydrogeological recharge rate of aquifers. The goal is to restore the groundwater balance in the Vicenza Upper Plain and ensure the sustainable use of this resource by current and future generations. The principal activities involve: increasing awareness among the various regional players regarding the importance of water conservation, creating groundwater recharge pilot systems, monitoring the efficacy of recharge, drafting and adopting a multi-user agreement for groundwater governance (Groundwater Contract) and promoting activities to disseminate information on the project and its results.
Edited by Veneto Agricoltura – Project financed with contributions from the LIFE+ financial instrument of the European Union (LIFE 2010 ENV/IT/380).
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Veneto Agricoltura
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